The Hessian Confession (1607)
March 11, 2022The Hessian Confession is commonly referred to as the Confession of the Synod of Cassel. Both that confession and this…Confession of the Synod of Cassel (1607)
March 11, 2022The Confession of the Synod of Cassel or more appropriately, The Hessian Confession, was adopted by a General Synod at…The King’s Confession (1581)
March 8, 2022The Protestant statement of belief drawn up by John Craig in 1581 when it was feared that Popery might be…Augsburg Confession (1530)
March 3, 2022The Augsburg Confession and subsequent repeating of it in the The Confession of Anhalt, or Repetitio Anhaltina, is not considered…Confession of Elector Frederick III (1577)
March 2, 2022This confession is part of a series or collection of what's commonly labeled as the "Minor German Reformed Confessions" or…The Netherlands Confession (1566)
March 1, 2022A Brief Statement of Faith To those who everywhere in the Low Countries, and particularly in this city, N, adhere…The Minor German Reformed Confessions
February 28, 2022The following overview on the Minor German Reformed Confessions comes from the book: The Creeds of Christendom by Phillip Schaff…The Antwerp Confession (1566)
February 24, 2022Summary of the confession of faith that must be made by those who wish to be held as members of…The Synod of Enyedi (1564)
February 22, 2022(Modus Concordiae) (Nagyenyed, Hungary and Transylvania, 1564) 1. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and our Lord…The Thirty-Nine Articles (1562/63)
February 17, 2022ARTICLE I - Of Faith in the Holy Trinity There is but one living and true God, everlasting, without body,…The Geneva Confesssion (1536)
January 28, 2022The Geneva Confession was originally credited to John Calvin in 1536 by Beza who said Calvin wrote it as a…The Waldensian Confession of Faith (1560)
January 26, 2022The Waldensian Confession of Faith was copied from manuscripts bearing a similar title that were dated 1120, nearly 400 years…The French Confession of Faith (1559)
January 20, 2022Confession of faith, made in one accord by the French people, who desire to live according to the purity of…The Forty Two Articles of the Church of England (1552)
January 3, 2022Articles agreed on by the Bishops and other learned men in the Synod at London, in the year of our…The First Helvetic Confession (Second Basel Confession) (1536)
December 22, 2021This Confession was composed by a number of Swiss divines (Bullinger, Grynæus, Myconius, and others), delegated and assembled for the…The Bohemian Confession (1535)
December 20, 2021Confession of Faith and Religion Of the Barons and Nobles Of the Kingdom of Bohemia Presented To the Most Serene…The First Basel Confession (1534)
December 1, 2021I. CONCERNING GOD We believe in God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, one holy, divine Trinity,…A Short and Clear Exposition of the Christian Faith (1531)
November 29, 2021A Short and Clear Exposition of the Christian Faith Preached by Huldreich Zwingli, Written by Zwingli Himself Shortly Before His…The Tetrapolitan Confession (1530)
November 18, 2021The ten theses of Berne were purportedly written by colleagues of Huldrych (Ulrich) Zwingli (1484–1531) and revised by the Reformer…The Sixty Seven Articles (1523)
November 16, 2021Huldrych (Ulrich) Zwingli (1484–1531), a prominent leader of the Swiss Reformation, prepared these “Articles” as “talking points” for the First…Westminster Confession (1648)
November 11, 2021Chapter 1 Of Holy Scripture 1. Although the light of nature, and the works of creation and providence do so…The Savoy Declaration (1658)
November 9, 2021Chapter 1 Of The Holy ScriptureAlthough the light of nature, and the works of creation and providence, do so far…Synopsis of the Three Forms of Unity: Belgic Confession, Heidelberg Catechism, Canons of Dort
October 27, 2021Belgic Confession (1561), Heidelberg Catechism (1563) & the Canons of Dort (1619) Explanation This harmony differs from many of the…Canones Synodi Dordrechtanae (1619)
October 26, 2021JUDICIUM SYNODI NATIONALIS REFORMATARUM ECCLESIARUM BELGICARUM, Habitæ Dordrechti Anno MDCXVIII. et MDCXIX. Cui Plurimi insignes Theologi Reformatarum Ecclesiarum Magnæ Britanniæ…Canons of Dort (1619)
October 26, 2021PREFACE The Canons of Dort, being the Five Articles against the Remonstrants or Judgment of the National Synod of the…Second Helvetic Confession (1566)
October 21, 2021CHAPTER I Of The Holy Scripture Being The True Word of God CANONICAL SCRIPTURE. We believe and confess the canonical…Confessio Belgica (1561)
October 16, 2021Articulus I: De Natura DeiCorde credimus, et ore confitemur omnes, unicam esse et simplicem essentiam spiritualem, quam Deum vocamus; eumque…Belgic Confession (1561)
October 14, 2021IntroductionThe Belgic Confession is the confession of faith of the Dutch Reformed Churches. It was written originally, however, in French,…The Scots Confession (1560)
October 5, 2021THE CONFESSON OF THEFaith and Doctrine,Belevit and professit be thePROTESTANTIS of Scotland, Exhibitit to the Estaitis of the same in…Consensus Tigurinus (1549)
October 1, 2021Translated by Henry Beveridge Mutual Consent in Regard to the Sacraments Between the Ministers of the Church of Zurich and…