Welcome to our weekly roundup of news, updates, and other exciting things you may have missed. This weeks line up is mostly links to content we’ve published this week, and a few externals links to some interesting stuff.
We’ve launched a new URL Shortener called Reformed Link that’s available for fellow Reformed thinkers to use. You can learn more about it here in our community: https://war.jeffbrigman.com/community/post/233247328
New content you may have missed
- The Waldensian Confession of Faith (1560)
- WSC Q. 39. What is the duty which God requireth of man?
- The Geneva Confesssion (1536)
- WSC Q. 40. What did God at first reveal to man for the rule of his obedience?
- WSC Q. 41. Wherein is the moral law summarily comprehended?
- The Thirty-Nine Articles (1562/63)
- Resource – Ascend Wood
Other news you may have missed
- Canada is starting to arrest folks in the Capital as they begin their push to stop folks who oppose their mandates.
- Reformation Heritage Books releases a new Puritan oriented book, Following God Fully, by Joel Beeke and Michael Reeves.