January 4, 2022

Of the Incomparable Treasure of the Holy Scriptures (1578)

We Are Reformed

The following poem began appearing in 1578 in the front matter of most Geneva Bibles. The author is unknown.

Here is the Spring where waters flowe, to quench our heate of sinne:
Here is the Tree where trueth doth grow, to leade our lives therein:
Here is the Judge that stints the strife, when mens devices faile:
Here is the Bread that feeds the life, that death cannot assaile.
The tidings of Salvation deare, comes to our eares from hence:
The fortresse of our Faith is here, and shielde of our defence.
Then be not like the hogge that hath a pearle at his desire,
And takes more pleasure of the trough and wallowing in the mire.
Reade not this booke, in any case, but with a single eye:
Reade not but first desire Gods grace, to understand thereby.
Pray still in faith with this respect, to fructifie therein,
That knowledge may bring this effect, to mortifie thy sinne.
Then happy thou in all thy life, what so to thee befalles:
Yea, double happie shalt thou be, when God by death thee calles.

1578 geneva bible

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