Tag: Explain Reformed Theology

  • confessio belgica 1561

    October 16, 2021
    Articulus I: De Natura DeiCorde credimus, et ore confitemur omnes, unicam esse et simplicem essentiam spiritualem, quam Deum vocamus; eumque…
  • belgic confession 1561

    October 14, 2021
    IntroductionThe Belgic Confession is the confession of faith of the Dutch Reformed Churches. It was written originally, however, in French,…
  • the scots confession 1560

    October 5, 2021
    THE CONFESSON OF THEFaith and Doctrine,Belevit and professit be thePROTESTANTIS of Scotland, Exhibitit to the Estaitis of the same in…
  • common questions what is reformed theology in a nutshell

    October 2, 2021
    At it's core, Reformed Theology is biblical Christianity. A closer examination shows that Reformed Theology is the belief or set…
  • consensus tigurinus 1549

    October 1, 2021
    Translated by Henry Beveridge Mutual Consent in Regard to the Sacraments Between the Ministers of the Church of Zurich and…