In Case You Missed It – Dec, 29 2021

We Are Reformed

Welcome to our weekly roundup of news, updates, and other exciting things you may have missed. This weeks line up is mostly links to content we’ve published this week, and a few externals links to some interesting stuff. We’ve added a dedicated Reformed Confessions page to our site. Go check it out.

New content you may have missed

Other news you may have missed

Yet another year has gone by and we are closing in on 2022. It’s hard to imagine we’ve been living in a COVID world for almost 2 years now, and things still haven’t gotten back to normal. As we wind down the year, we’ve been slowing down to enjoy time with our families. This means less content until the new year rolls in.

From all of us here at we want to say thank you for your support this year. We want to give thanks for you, and for our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

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