Welcome to our weekly roundup of news, updates, and other exciting things you may have missed. This weeks line up is mostly links to content we’ve published this week, and a few externals links to some interesting stuff.
We’ve launched a new URL Shortener called Reformed Link that’s available for fellow Reformed thinkers to use. You can learn more about it here in our community: https://war.jeffbrigman.com/community/post/233247328
New content you may have missed
- WSC Q. 42. What is the sum of the ten commandments?
- The Synod of Enyedi (1564)
- WSC Q. 43. What is the preface to the ten commandments?
- The Antwerp Confession (1566)
- Nicene Creed
Other news you may have missed
- Russia invades Ukraine while the rest of the “civilized” world responds with threats and sanctions.
- China flies jets over Taiwan while Russia is invading Ukraine.
- Reformation Heritage Books has several book sets on sale right now: Set Sale